Illness Protocol

Updated 3/1/2024

For more information call 520-251-5095

Hours:  Monday-Friday, 7:00a-5:30p

Tours by appointment only

Parents are required to evaluate their child for illness every day before bringing them to our facility. If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, or has any other symptoms of illness, they need to stay home until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication (Tylenol) and their symptoms have resolved. Do not bring your child to the Facility if they are sick. Families will be contacted to pick up their child if they develop a fever of 100 or higher while at the Facility, or for any of the reasons listed within our Sickness Policy in our Parent Handbook.

  • Children will not wear masks while at our facility.

  • Please call the Facility and report if your child will not be attending due to any illness. We are required to track illnesses and report certain ones to the Health Department.

Positive COVID19 cases reported within the Facility: We will notify families but we will not automatically quarantine or close classrooms. However, it may be necessary to close a classroom if too many of our staff are absent due to illness or quarantine, so families should be prepared by having alternate child care arrangements available.

We evaluate our procedures on a regular basis and make changes as necessary for the health and safety of our staff and the children.

  • Please call the Facility and report if your child has had an exposure to COVID19 or if anyone in your family tests positive for COVID19. If an enrolled child has been exposed to a person testing positive for COVID 19, or a close family member of an enrolled child tests positive, the child will need to stay home for 5 days and be tested on the 5th day. If negative, they can return. If a positive test they must stay home for 5 more days. If they are sick, our regular sick child policies apply, which is a child may return when they are symptom free for 24 hours without pain relieving medication. A negative test is not required to return.

  • If your child has been tested for COVID19, they are not allowed to attend until you receive the results from testing. If negative, they can return. If a positive test they must stay home for 5 days. If they are sick, our regular sick child policies apply, which is a child may return when they are symptom free for 24 hours without pain relieving medication. A negative test is not required to return.